Green Gainz
Social Media Design
Ina Estrada - Creative Director
Jem Chong (Me) - Graphic Design Intern
Green Gainz is a local brand dedicated to spreading awareness and love for vegan and plant-based food.
They promote a natural, healthy lifestyle through their products. I designed and curated posts for their social media page while I was an intern at Par Vous Designs.
Green Gainz spreads the love for vegan and plant-based food through educational posts. We wanted people to perceive the brand and lifestyle as fun and lively.
The designs I made were simple and straightforward but also vibrant.
The Green Table is a series of talks featuring well-known individuals
who share about their experiences with vegan or plant-based lifestyles.
The look for this event needed to stand out from the feed but also desired
to retain the Green Gainz branding. With that, I created a variation from
the main logo and formed designs using the brand’s color palette.